Northern Light Film is a Manchester based film production Community Interest Company.
Our mission is to make beautiful films that highlight hidden stories, and to share them with the world. We do this by co-producing original film and video content with collaborators from all communities across Greater Manchester. We also provide film and video services to other organisations whose projects are working towards our aims.
We believe that the right image, telling the right story & accompanied by the right music - can be so effecting as to change the world.
our Aims
1) make great films that people enjoy making with us.
2) Remove barriers that prevent access to high quality video creation.
3) Share stories that haven't been seen before.
4) Increase visibility of film professions to people who wouldn't have considered them.
our values
1. Equity
At the core of the mission is resourcing communities to tell their own stories. This includes building trust, providing accessible resources, and fostering skills development, particularly with those from seldom heard communities. We work with communities to build skills, knowledge and platforms that amplify and control their narratives.
2. Accessibility
Northern Light is focused on providing access to high-quality film production and creative opportunities. We offer affordable services and provide opportunities for engagement in the film and video industries. Our goal is to make film production accessible to everyone, especially those who are working class or from the global majority.
3. Resilience
Our approach promotes gradual, lasting change through collaboration with community groups, cultural organisations, and creatives across the North. Our focus is on building sustainable relationships for long term narrative shifts by supporting the creation of platforms, skills and knowledge that can be shared through local, regional and international communities.
Meet the team
Jamil Keating
Nick Jones
Bysshe Harkavy
Flo Finegan